
2003–ongoing Fujitsu Technology Solutions (until 2009 Fujitsu Siemens Computers ) about 1,500k words
2003–ongoing Telenor Hungary (until March 2010 Pannon GSM Zrt.) about 950k words
2008–ongoing SAS Institute about 86k words
2001–ongoing IDC Hungary about 83k words

PR agencies:

  • B. SWAN Partners Kft.
  • Capital Communications Kft.
  • Eurolex Consulting Kft.
  • Gulden Communications Kft.
  • Hill & Knowlton Strategies Kft.
  • Mmd Public Relations Kft.
  • Solutions Communications Kft.
  • Target Communications Kft.
  • Zempléni Communications
about 1,200k words
2007–ongoing Panasonic (both directly and through an agency) about 80k words
1998–ongoing HP Hungary about 2,000k words
2002–2010 Ricoh – through Blondé Communications (Belgium) about 235k words
2001–2002 Hungarian Accreditation Committee (national body evaluating the academic quality of higher education institutions) about 150k words
2000–2009 Volvo & Lexus – through Heckenast & Co. (UK) about 170k words